3 Tips for Curating EPIC Solar Eclipse Social Media Campaigns featuring Warby Parker

Why invest in a marketing campaign for a solar eclipse?

It engages your audience, where they are at with a trending event.

You gain impact by connecting with your audience and we’ve seen it done well this year, so let’s talk about it…

  1. Warby Parker

    They’re the perfect company to set in deep with the Solar Eclipse since their main focus is glasses, protecting our eyes, cue in Solar Eclipse and not being able to look directly at it without RUINING your eye balls! Many eyewear brand’s MISSED this opportunity and it is unfortunate. It's crucial to stay ahead of the curve and leverage trending events to capture audience attention.

So let’s dive into the details and then wrap it up with how important it is for you, as a brand, to jump into this moments and not fear spending money on strategy, content creation and execution of these campaigns and why it is WORTH it!

1. Warby Parker’s core value’s seamlessly integrate with the Solar Eclipse Event and here is how..

Warby Parker's campaign beautifully intertwined its brand ethos of sustainability with the celestial event of the solar eclipse. By launching a limited edition eco-friendly sunglass collection, they not only catered to the astronomical enthusiasts but also showcased their commitment to environmental consciousness. Our team at Stevie Social highly recommends our client’s to have alignment with brand's values and the event they’re leveraging. This alignment creates a more authentic connection with your audience and enhances brand perception!

2. Interactive Engagement

In the realm of social media, engagement is king. Warby Parker's approach went beyond passive promotion; they orchestrated an interactive experience that drew audiences into the eclipse fervor. From virtual viewing parties to educational content, they transformed a celestial event into an immersive brand journey. As company owners and founders, we can pull valuable takeaways from this approach. Prioritizing interactive content on social media not only fosters meaningful connections with consumers but also cultivates a community around your brand, driving long-term engagement and advocacy.


Let’s be real, you cannot overlook the fear of missing out (FOMO) in driving consumer behavior. Warby Parker's limited edition sunglass collection fueled this psychological phenomenon, creating a sense of urgency and desire among consumers. As CEOs, navigating the digital realm, understanding and harnessing FOMO can be a game-changer. By strategically leveraging scarcity and exclusivity in your marketing endeavors, you can ignite consumer curiosity, drive conversions, and cultivate a coveted brand image.

In essence, the Warby Parker campaign serves as inspiration for CEOs and brand owners alike, illustrating the power of strategic alignment, interactive engagement, and FOMO-driven marketing. As we navigate the ever-shifting landscape of social media, let us draw upon these insights to craft compelling narratives, forge deeper connections with our audiences, and propel our brands to new heights of success!

How much do you think this campaign cost?


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