Executive Leaders and The Future of Personal Branding on LinkedIn

As we continue to move deeper into 2024, a notable trend emerging is the rise in content creation by CEOs and their executive teams, I have made several videos about this and have even highlighted many who are doing this well, so why do I keep talking about it? Well, integrating personal social media strategies with a company's branding efforts is going to be essential over coming years as social media shifts and changes. This movement towards personal branding by leadership is not just a fleeting change; it's becoming a strategic move to enhance company culture, recruitment, and long-term employee satisfaction. Simply stated, it's important!

We created a guide for the CEO that is sitting in his or her chair wondering, where do I go from here? How do I even begin? I am here to help, I run a social media agency called Stevie Social and your personal brand is my cup of tea. We created a guide to help with this exact thing, and guess what? It's free, get it here.

Revisiting a previous article I have written, we know that many large corporations have already started training their employees to become LinkedIn influencers, a strategy that has proven to be both intriguing and effective. The core objective behind this investment is to amplify recruitment efforts. What is crazy, is that they're seeing so many benefits not only in recruitment but overall employee satisfaction and increase in revenue, this was unexpected with the original strategy implemented. Employees sharing their experiences and the company's values on LinkedIn creates an inviting image that attracts prospective talents and shines a new light on the company(one most have never seen!). This strategy not only boosts the company's presence on the platform but also aligns with its internal culture, ensuring that new hires are a perfect fit for the long-term vision of the company.

So where do you go from here? You're a CEO and want to get started but like we mentioned above, you're not sure where to begin. We have a few ideas for you! And you don't even need us for these! Drawing insights from our 3-Step Guide, we suggest beginning with a unique value proposition(what sets you apart from other leaders). Next, we recommend spending a significant amount of time in determining your core values, how you want to represent yourself on the platform and what your overall goal is. Once you have that written down and stored to refer back to, we recommend optimizing your profile, making it as effective as possible, this means editing your bio and experience, making a cohesive feel between your company and your personal page as the CEO. Then what?

For CEOs and executive leaders, this newer trend presents an opportunity to lead by example. The next step is to create the content for your page! Starting with something as simple as a weekly video post on LinkedIn can yield significant results, get your first 30 video ideas free, here. The idea is to create sustainable, impactful content that reflects the company's ethos and engages both current and potential employees. This approach to leadership branding is expected to grow beyond 2024, underscoring the importance of a cohesive strategy that includes both the executive team and employees. It's about creating a culture of openness, engagement, and shared values, one post at a time!


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